Monday, 10am. Sloatsburg Village Hall, Memorial Day Parade

Memorial Day has come to mean the beginning of summer, a time for picnics and barbecues, and a holiday to gather around the family.

That happiness and freedom, however, is a product of the real cause for the holiday:

The sacrifice made by men and women who have fought and died for the freedoms and liberties we hold dear.

Memorial Day is a time to remember that the American way of life is not cheap or free, but rather has been purchased by the lives and blood of so many who have sacrificed for us to live free.

So I say

We will remember them,

The ones who stood tall,

Who fought for their country,

The ones who were willing to fall.

We will remember them,

The ones whose lives had shined,

Who were mighty and bold,

May the world be defined.

Look at all our nations,

Oh how far we've come,

As every person will stay in our hearts,

We shall stand one by one.

Megan L. Sprigg


No Village Board Meeting


Sloatsburg American Legion